Turbo Boost Switcher Free

Turbo Boost Switcher

Enable / Disable Turbo Boost feature on demand.
Monitors both CPU Speed and Temperature.
Configure open at Login.
Enable / Disable at launch

Turbo Boost Switcher Pro

Turbo Boost Switcher Pro

Enable / Disable Turbo Boost feature on demand.
Monitors both CPU Speed and Temperature.
Configure open at Login.
Enable / Disable at launch
+ Auto disable when battery level is below a threshold
+ Auto enable/disable when apps are launched
+ Auto enable/disable based on CPU Temp & fan speed
+ Fully customizable status bar
+ Enter root password just once
+ Auto disable Turbo Boost when not charging
+ OSX Notifications integration
+ Display Temps on ºC and ºF
+ Free updates forever

Read more details on the app blog.